
I was often frustrated in the past finding a happy medium between literature with characters who were real and relatable, stories that were deep and adventurous, and yet clean. It was hard to find a book that met all of those requirements for me, and that I didn't have to "self edit". I hope that this list will lead you to wholesome, but seriously awesome fantasy and science fiction novels to whet your appetite but not sour it! Happy reading, dear friends! I have alphabetized the list by author's last names, and you may find a little historical fiction sprinkled throughout. (Please note that I have not added all links and details yet as this list is under construction.)

The Faeries of Myrnius, by Claire M. Banschbach

  1. Adela's Curse
  2. The Wolf Prince

Out of Time Series by Nadine Brandes

  1. A Time to Die
  2. A Time to Speak
  3. A Time to Rise

Goodreads     Amazon

Other books by Nadine:

Fawkes     Goodreads     Amazon

Romanov     Goodreads     Amazon

Crowning Heaven, by Emily Hayes

Chronicles of Ilyon, by Jaye L. Knight

  1. Resistance
  2. Samara's Peril
  3. Half-Blood
  4. Bitter Winter
  5. The King's Scrolls
  6. Lacy
  7. Exiles
  8. Daican's Heir

Goodreads     Amazon

The Folkestone Fellowship, by Schuyler McConkey

  1. War of Loyalties


Blades of Acktar Series, by Tricia Mingerink

  1. Dare
  2. Deny
  3. Defy
  4. Destroy
  5. Deliver
  6. Decree

Goodreads     Amazon

Other books by Tricia:

Beyond the Tales series

  1. Dagger's Sleep
  2. Midnight's Curse (released August 6, 2019)

Goodreads     Amazon

The Celestial Isles series, by Mollie E. Reeder (audio book available on Audible)

  1. The Electrical Menagerie

Goodreads     Amazon

Other books by Mollie:

The Sixth Christmas: A Holiday Novelette     Goodreads      Amazon